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When I was researching hotels, I found that a TON people seemed to always have a problem with staff service. Actually, the more I read them the more it seemed that Macau’s  hotel industry didn’t really give a rats ass about customer service.  So, after consulting TripAdvisor, I narrowed it down to two places I wanted to stay at: Fousada de Mong Ha and StarWorld Hotel. Unfortunately, the Pousada de Mong Ha was booked for the entire month, so I opted for the StarWorld Hotel.


Let me just say… The StarWorld. Is. The. Best. Hotel. For. Your. Buck!!!! This super chic and amazing hotel and casino was an amazing experience! Not only were the staff amazingly nice and super helpful, but this hotel is more than reasonably priced. For $130 USD a night, we had a gorgeous and super spacious room overlooking Macau. I thought the room and service we got was easily worth $300 a night (not that I’m complaining). We were definitely impressed! I highly recommend this hotel. They even have bizarrely tall and gorgeous women greet you in every room. We weren’t sure what they did other then look stunning and make you feel bad that you just ate a bazillion egg tarts. But, hey, they were definitely gorgeous.

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